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Welcome to the documentation for PopGLen

PopGLen is aimed at enabling users to run population genomic analyses on their data within a genotype likelihood framework in an automated and reproducible fashion. Genotype likelihood based analyses avoid genotype calling, instead performing analyses on the likelihoods of each possible genotype, incorporating uncertainty about the true genotype into the analysis. This makes them especially suited for datasets with low coverage or that vary in coverage.

This pipeline was developed in large part to make my own analyses easier. I work with many species being mapped to their own references within the same project. I developed this pipeline so that I could ensure standardized processing for datasets within the same project and to automate the many steps that go into performing these analyses. As it needed to fit many datasets, it is generalizable and customizable through a single configuration file and uses a common workflow utilized by ANGSD users, so it is available for others to use, should it suit their needs.

Questions? Feature requests? Just ask!

I'm glad to answer questions on the GitHub Issues page for the project, as well as take suggestions for features or improvements!

Pipeline Summary

The pipeline aims to follow the general path many users will use when working with ANGSD and other GL based tools. Raw equencing data is processed into BAM files (with optional configuration for historical degraded samples) or BAM files are provided directly. From there several quality control reports are generated to help determine what samples are included. The pipeline then builds a 'sites' file to perform analyses with. This sites file is made from several user-configured filters, intersecting all and outputing a list of sites for the analyses to be performed on across all samples. This can also be extended by user-provided filter lists (e.g. to limit to neutral sites, genic regions, etc.).

After samples have been processed, quality control reports produced, and the sites file has been produced, the pipeline can continue to the analyses.

  • Linkage disequilibrium estimation, LD decay, LD pruning (ngsLD)
  • PCA (PCAngsd)
  • Admixture (NGSAdmix)
  • Inbreeding/Runs of Homozygosity (ngsF-HMM)
  • Relatedness (NGSRelate, IBSrelate)
  • Identity by state matrix (ANGSD)
  • Site frequency spectrum (ANGSD)
  • Watterson's estimator (θw), Nucleotide diversity (π), Tajima's D (ANGSD)
  • Individual heterozygosity with bootstrapped confidence intervals (ANGSD)
  • Pairwise FST (ANGSD)
  • Population allele frequencies (ANGSD)

These all can be enabled and processed independently, and the pipeline will generate genotype likelihood input files using ANGSD and share them across analyses as appropriate, deleting temporary intermediate files when they are no longer needed.

At any point after a successful completion of a portion of the pipeline, a report can be made that contains tables and figures summarizing the results for the currently enabled parts of the pipeline.

If you're interested in using this, head to the Getting Started page!